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  1. J

    Who is buying T-Bills for their Emergency Fund?

    @jane_doe I have about $30K laddered into 4-week T-bills (one quarter every week for four weeks), all on auto-reinvest. Every week, the interest drops into my bank account, and when it hits a couple hundred I put that into the ladder as well. When I hit the two-year auto-reinvest deadline...
  2. J

    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @tinyrev If that 0% is a deferred-interest offer, the entire amount of back interest will be added to the principal if you don’t pay it off by the end of the period. Strategy: You should pay $395/mo on the 0% card, which will pay it off one month early. That leaves you $305/month to put on the...
  3. J

    Do some people buy individual stocks plus their index funds?

    @ramy6et I gave no opinions, only an anecdote 🤗
  4. J

    Do some people buy individual stocks plus their index funds?

    @ramy6et Yeah, I played stock picker with 3% of my portfolio. It started out as 5% (ba-dum DUM).
  5. J

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @gryphonking That’s where the picking comes in. Broad market index funds. Or target funds if you’re risk averse. But if your benefits department did their job right, you’ll find at least one S&P index and one world index in that list. Past performance does not guarantee future results, but you...
  6. J

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @gryphonking Sort by expense ratio (small to large), make your picks from the first five to ten on the list. Kinda joking but kinda not…