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  1. N

    How to invest in bonds?

    @novum123 In current market conditions, I'd just buy US treasury bonds. It's hard to beat the 5+% yield with very safe profile. You could just go buying T-Bills (zero coupon) and keep rolling them as they expire. Or you could buy BOXX ETF (which simulates roughly the same yield). Then you don't...
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    Neon or Yuh?

    @saveoursoul Yuh has a good overall banking product. For any more serious investments, I'd use interactive brokers though.
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    @marymagdalene1 Interactive Brokers (IBKR) ist ne gute Sache. Unschlagbar günstig, guter Marktzugang zu den wichtigen Aktien/Anleihemärkten und es gibt auch ein gutes Kundenwerbungsprogramm (der geworbene bekommt IBKR Aktien je nach dem investierten Volumen).