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  1. N

    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @mathewbailey08 Yep. Spot on. You, just barely outside of the high risk zone, would be paying the same rate as some house on a mountain in a desert. To my knowledge, there aren't any situations where changing the zone would change the rate. This whole thing is still new so there may be...
  2. N

    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @mathewbailey08 It's been a Federal law requirement since 1974. FEMA has introduced new rates that don't take the zone into consideration whatsoever for pricing purposes. Since you bought your policy after 10/1 (dates are a coincidence, I swear), you should already be on that new rate plan...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @mathewbailey08 I truly don't know the answer to this, but laying out how this could be interpreted. This is a lending/servicing issue, not an insurance issue, so it's enough out of my wheelhouse for me to be certain about this. We have to treat that 11/23 date of their letter as the start of...
  4. N

    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @mathewbailey08 Since you are now mapped into a high risk flood area, you are required to have flood insurance. This requirement triggers the date that the map change is official. This additional "fee" is for retroactive coverage that protected you during the time between the map change and when...