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  1. H

    Should I extinguish my mortgage?

    @tierras This is a tax question. Calculate your taxes with and without a mortgage and interest payments.
  2. H

    Bonds allocation and instruments. A bit lost

    @alesli What amounts are we talking about? If you buy bonds directly or through a fund, you are also exposed to the risk that interest rates rise and the principal might decrease in value. Similarly, bonds aren't that liquid. Additionally, as you stated briefly, each coupon payment will be taxed...
  3. H

    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @smta276603 Is it possible for people with Swiss domicile to be on Charles Schwab? Or are you American?
  4. H

    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @bod2411 I responded to OP's question
  5. H

    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @renie If I wanted something active, it might be: