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    JP Morgan is rolling out a robo-adviser with free ETFs to lure new investors

    @fire_starter It really all depends on what their strategy is. JPM typically tries to get a bit more cute than the run of the mill portfolio so an extra 10 bips may be justified or it may not. Honestly the difference is pretty small. Paying attention to fees is important but this sub is way...
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    WeWork C.E.O., Adam Neumann, Stepping Down Under Pressure - The New York Times

    @monimck Oh shit, now that's actually surprising.
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    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announces decline in unemployment rate from 7.9% to 6.9% over the last month, beats expectations

    @joshualiley I don't really know how else to convey this; but a personal anecdote is not insight when discussing macroeconomics. It's the exact opposite of that - it's just useless noise. I hope you come to understand that before you get to the point where you're making decisions based on such...
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    WeWork C.E.O., Adam Neumann, Stepping Down Under Pressure - The New York Times

    @monimck I mean it's not likely that he reduces his voting power without incentive.
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    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announces decline in unemployment rate from 7.9% to 6.9% over the last month, beats expectations

    @joshualiley So right back to where we started, using your limited worldview to dismiss extremely robust labor statistics.
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    WeWork C.E.O., Adam Neumann, Stepping Down Under Pressure - The New York Times

    @monimck The power move is to offer a substantial amount of capital but do so on the condition that it buys whatever the highest voting shares are. Otherwise I still see zero reason to continue to inject capital in to this entity. The concept doesn't have a particularly high moat.
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    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announces decline in unemployment rate from 7.9% to 6.9% over the last month, beats expectations

    @joshualiley Idk what “this stuff” is but when people wish to discuss unemployment from an economic perspective they generally look at the various measures of unemployment, U6 directly captures the trend you mention so it would be a far better measure than “a laundry list of friends”. I’m not...
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    What the F*&$@ is a repo? Eli5 inside

    @moemoes Various places, corporate tax quarterlies were due, the Fed has been reducing it's balance sheet which adds treasuries to the market being purchased for cash, the treasury is increasing deficits which again is a trade of cash for treasuries. Rate disparities making overseas carry...
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    What the F*&$@ is a repo? Eli5 inside

    Okay, it's become apparent that the vast majority of you don't know what a repo is. That's fine, you can largely live your life and invest successfully without this knowledge. But it is the topic du jour so let's see if I can't offer the most simplistic of explanations here to help provide...
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    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announces decline in unemployment rate from 7.9% to 6.9% over the last month, beats expectations

    @nibes I mean that’s most of it, Reddit is heavily weighted towards young people with medium to probably lower incomes. That’s not necessarily bad but we’ve got to understand that unemployment this year is hugely segmented. Unemployment for those with a college degree is basically back to...
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    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announces decline in unemployment rate from 7.9% to 6.9% over the last month, beats expectations

    @joshualiley It never fails, every single thread has some armchair economist at the top comment explaining why things are totally much worse than the numbers indicate, and basing all of that off their limited worldview. “How can unemployment be going down if my best friend Bennie can’t get a...
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    OFFICIAL /r/investing TEPCO Q3 Earnings Circlejerk & Bagholder Support Thread PLUS BoJ Monetary Policy Statement!

    @joshuasamuelquiroz There's gonna be a lot of casuals trying to figure out what the fuck is going on soon. They came to bitch about Jeffrey but they will leave knowing their true God.
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    What's your theory for why U.S. junk bonds (e.g., $HYG) are outperforming U.S. equities (e.g., $SPY)?

    @andyprior The government has made it pretty clear they're providing the necessary credit availability and cash injections to prevent companies from folding. Think about what a bond is: so long as that company remains solvent the bondholders get the yield.
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    What's your theory for why U.S. junk bonds (e.g., $HYG) are outperforming U.S. equities (e.g., $SPY)?

    @andyprior No. It didn't before, why would it now?
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    What's your theory for why U.S. junk bonds (e.g., $HYG) are outperforming U.S. equities (e.g., $SPY)?

    @andyprior Stocks perform based on profitability. Bonds perform based on solvency. Guess which one Uncle Sam cares about? It's not the one that gets memed on here all the time.
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    Is the housing market in another giant bubble?

    @mikeisraelite72 It's not about good or bad, it's about not citing data that's full of shit lol. And come on, they wrote articles about how unanimously he was rejected.
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    Is the housing market in another giant bubble?

    @mikeisraelite72 You're being serious here right? You're not trolling me? FT published a piece years ago detailing all of the errors in his spreadsheets. Larry Summers publicly dismissed his equation as at odds with the marginal substitution between labor and capital, he subs in land and...
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    Is the housing market in another giant bubble?

    @mikeisraelite72 Are we really at the point as a subreddit where people are non ironically citing Piketty?
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    Is the housing market in another giant bubble?

    @siskie Seems like you answered your own question.