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    Anyone else seeing 4.2% interest on EUR? Is this a mistake?

    @fredyghtrim089 qMMFs keep the money premium government bonds. This is considered the safest investment there is.
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    Anyone else seeing 4.2% interest on EUR? Is this a mistake?

    @wrennelson143 Wow Same here! 4.20% EUR and even 5.1% on USD now.
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    Alternate between 2/3 ETFs (FTSE/MSCI World)

    @crunchtime89 I think Inveso is fine. PensionCraft has created about all-in-one ETFs that I quite likes - "one etf to rule them all" or something like this - you can take a look for inspiration.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @hattington My bank gives me 2.6% and I am not willing to lock my cash there. But 4% risk free return is something to consider. Probably for the next 6 months, why not. How much would you get with an all-world ETF? 5.2% on average?
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @wrennelson143 Personally and all-in for DCA and I rarely keep cash. 4% is somehing to consider, given that we don't expect stability on the markets. May be a 50:50 split (ETFs : cash) would be a good stategy as long as the interest rate is this high.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @stephenk EUR or quoted in EUR?
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @oneofthesheep Checkout the neobrokers. I am using Trading 212, Trade republic is also a good option. Revolut does not give good rates unless you pay for Ultra. Trading 212 pays 4% for EUR, 5% for USD and other currency. Trade Republics pays 4% on EUR. Good luck!
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    Anyone else seeing 4.2% interest on EUR? Is this a mistake?

    @coffeegrinder QMMFs is what the your bank uses anyways. Regardless, T212 is not a bank and it theory it can't be as safe as a bank. In practice - I think it's safe, definitely safer than some smaller banks.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @slavonka_st It's not OP's fear, it's some random dude who also left a comment.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @slavonka_st I don't believe that's valid. T212 uses IBKR to execute orders and IBKR halted the trading.
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @leigh262 This is correct, by they also earn interest on cash you hold with them and if you choose to - they may earn interest on you shares/etfs. What he is referring two would is: how would you sell your assets if everyone else is also selling and nobody buys? This is what happens during...
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    Trading 212 raises € interest to 4% paid daily

    @meshaa 100% agree - it's fascinating how markets can surprise us. But what's your actionable take away on this? Keep some cash at 4% interest for some time?