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  1. J

    Investing in Cloud Computing, Anyone else sharing the same mindset?

    @tracyrobinson76 Looks like I need a subscription to read the article!
  2. J

    Investing in Cloud Computing, Anyone else sharing the same mindset?

    @alexwhitt The mainstream companies( Banking, Healthcare, Oil & Gas and Insurance) have already started the transformation in their respective verticals. I believe in the next five years we will witness more tier 1 player joining the party. In the long run, It makes complete sense to switch to...
  3. J

    Investing in Cloud Computing, Anyone else sharing the same mindset?

    @coffeemate The Lion's part of the market share is withing AWS itself approx 42%, followed by Azure and Google Cloud. I really doubt whether IBM has the manpower to compete against these three giants. Of course, Acquiring Redhat will give them a more firm grip and a jumpstart. But I would bet...
  4. J

    Investing in Cloud Computing, Anyone else sharing the same mindset?

    I'm seeing a high trend with companies planning their cloud adoption strategies, I strongly feel the market is still in the rising curve and there is more tier 2 and tier 3 players to join the bandwagon. I'm looking at two options here, 1. Invest directly in the company stock...