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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @nnhust thanks you very much for your wisdom :) I know that peace and happiness is more valuable than money so I appreciate your tips
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @allison Will surely look into it thank you
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @adddddddd You are still young my friend :) It's never too late
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @onewayjesus Thank you very much I will add those to my checklist :)
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    I'm (24m, swiss) currently studying Systems Engineering at ZHAW while working part-time (50%) as a software developer. I'll be graduating and transitioning to full-time work next year and am looking forward to start with my finances. I'm also currently looking for an apartment. I've been...