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  1. D

    Is my attempt to justify my 9.9% APR car okay or a UKPF sin?lol

    @agear69 I'm not sure this will be the consensus here but I'm on board with you. You're basically earning £85k a year and spending 4.5% of your net pay on a vehicle. If the rest of your finances are in order I really wouldn't worry at all, like you say it's basically a lease and many, many...
  2. D

    Energy cost of devices on standby in my home [Updated inc oct price cap]

    @arich62 A similar thread on HUKD recently where someone was putting a bucket in the shower every day while it was warming up and collecting water for their plants to save money. Someone did the maths and IIRC the cost of the bucket offset about three years worth of savings on the water.
  3. D

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @dreynar Only the bigger groups really. My girlfriend manages a medium sized nursery chain and 67% of their income goes straight on wages (embarrassingly bad wages I must add for those poor staff) and then they have to pay rent, massive energy costs (heating and AC all year round), insurance...