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  1. M

    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @daroc585 That makes a little more sense. Thanks.
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @thebiblesays Trust me, I wish we could move, but given jobs, school and family stuff, that isn’t an option right now. Both my wife and I are originally from up north and I definitely miss the seasons among other things. Eventually we plan on moving, but probably not for a few more years...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @thebiblesays Yeah, the letter stipulated that I needed to get flood insurance coverage at a minimum of my outstanding mortgage balance and the deductible couldn't be more than 1% of the coverage. I ended up going with the max coverage ($250k), which was more than I needed, since the rep said...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @resjudicata I’m obviously far from an expert in this matter but my understanding is my policy is a NFIP plan that was sold and managed by USAA. It’s not private insurance. USAA is simply the reseller or whatever you call it.
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @resjudicata According to the person I worked with at USAA to get the policy in place, he said that with the FEMA policy I could only get coverage up to $250k. So that was the maximum coverage. But he also said that by getting the $250k coverage, it would provide us with replacement value on any...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @nay_sayer I'll definitely check out private flood insurance next year, assuming I can't get the zoning/price/etc. resolved and am forced to keep it at the higher cost. I am completely new to flood insurance so didn't really know how best to proceed, especially given the time crunch, and kind of...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @nay_sayer Wow, this is just getting worse and worse... I just checked the declaration and Rate Category says 'FEMA Rating Engine'. The rep at USAA (where I bought the policy) did mention something about how not only did the FEMA maps change recently but so did the way that they determine...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @nay_sayer Thanks for the detailed reply. To clarify, the letter I received yesterday said: "Our records still show that there was a lapse in coverage from 10/01/2021 to 01/04/2022. An insurance charge of $508 may be charged to your account for the period of time that the coverage was in...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    @nay_sayer Thanks for the response! I understand what you are saying, but based on what the letters said, they never actually provided any retroactive coverage. Both letters said IF I didn't purchase my own flood insurance within the grace period allowed, only then would they purchase it on my...
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    Flood Insurance Requirement Nightmare

    Hey Everyone, this is a bit of a long story, but I'm hoping someone can provide some direction on our options. TL;DR - Mortgage company wants to charge us extra for not having flood insurance when we didn't originally need it, only found out about it recently (FEMA map change) and added it...