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    How not to become a tax resident in Japan

    @johnnyfred1 I love Japan and want to spend as much time as possible in Japan but I also don’t want to become a tax resident. I will not stay more than 183 days per year. I will not work in Japan or earn any income. However, I plan on buying a house in Japan as a “vacation home”. Will owning...
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    How not to become a tax resident in Japan

    @johnnyfred1 Thanks everyone for the insightful discussion and the great wiki. I will just try to keep things simple, document everything, hope for the best, and hire a professional if needed.
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    How to split ownership on new house purchase

    @regina1961 Nobody explicitly saying gift tax was a concern. Mostly just our imagination. Although realtor recommended 100% ownership by husband, but maybe he is just old school.
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    How to split ownership on new house purchase

    We are both US Citizens and US tax residents. Married for over 20 years in the US. During this time, husband earned all the money from his job, but all money are in “joint” accounts because the American way of thinking about this money is that it is “joint” money earned while we were married...