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  1. C

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @resjudicata Yet again, third response in a row from you just ignoring the fact that you're wrong and I called you out for being wrong. Take some ownership and have a little accountability. It'll go a long way in life, versus trying to use someone's internet name against them.
  2. C

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @resjudicata How so? You just jumped to a conclusion. I simply asked if you thought you were the first person to think of it. You sound young, immature, and like you lack knowledge. Taking advantage of legal tax strategy is not a loophole. Go google the definition of "loophole."
  3. C

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @resjudicata Is that all you've got? Do you think you're the first one to disagree with me, be wrong, and then just try to mock my name? You don't deserve the benefits of the tax code if this is your outlook in life. Go be a peasant and pay normal taxes like everyone else.
  4. C

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @resjudicata Taking advantage of the tax code, to lower your tax liability, is not a loophole. Stop watching CNN or Fox News and get your head out of your rear end. Tax code is tax code. If you are honest and follow the tax code, you can lower your tax burden. By your definition, anyone who...
  5. C

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @resjudicata How many times are you going to say, "loophole," then have people cite (rightfully so) that it's not a "loophole," but simply the tax code? You don't know what a loophole is.