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  1. D

    Emergency fund

    @ruva good tip thanks 🙏
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    Emergency fund

    @ruva they’re over 100 years old - we had major roadworks on the street which caused cracks and leaks so the contractor did some work on them. fingers crossed they’re ok for now.
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    Emergency fund

    @phydaux make sure it’s not an old money pit like ours!
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    Emergency fund

    @phydaux we’ve got $50K as our emergency fund in case we have to replace drains or fix a retaining wall.
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @ionna it’s so addictive. i hard wired every room with ethernet when we renovated. once you start using home assistant it’s very difficult to stop argh!
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @ionna ok i just checked and my lowest recently was 12 kwh - it’s not a big house either. all my lighting is wifi connected and most appliances are as well. also have a bunch...
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @catholicbat i guess it’s mainly the hot water cylinder?
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @romans_5 that’s really efficient! just keeping our security cameras on and lights scheduled while we’re away keeps our usage up. i also leave our server running but these things are all low voltage.
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @rickt65 we use the heat pump and dryer most days in winter. i’m also big on smart home tech so having around 30+ connected devices probably adds up. but i always buy power months ahead with powershop which saves me hundreds a year.
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    Powershop 33% increase

    @rickt65 that’s seriously low usage! our house uses 5 kwh a day when we’re away - average when home is around 30 kwh for 2 of us. as high as 50 sometimes.