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  1. E

    Buying meat at the end of the day

    @5pguy Got it. So I guess it's some kind of preference for fresh meat back in my country that brings such special offers.
  2. E

    Any strings with the free stuff on FB Marketplace?

    @peccator Great. About the chair you requested: Did you request it on open internet spaces or privately to friends?
  3. E

    The BIG thread of financial tips and tricks

    @kayc Now I got what you meant. Capitalism produced results in the past but lately has been going haywire. One example is the historical rise of executives' salaries compared to those of employees. Capital is amassing more power by the day.
  4. E

    The BIG thread of financial tips and tricks

    @kayc Mind throwing a couple of more words about learning about politics? If it reduces my bills, I am on board.
  5. E

    Any strings with the free stuff on FB Marketplace?

    I see a lot of stuff on Facebook Marketplace being given away for free. Is it for real? Are there any strings attached? I am skeptical because there's no free lunch in life. Please share your experience.
  6. E

    Buying meat at the end of the day

    I am from another country where, by the end of the day, there are massive discounts on meat. We buy a lot of it when we get it in the deal and freeze it. Does this tip hold valid in New Zealand?