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  1. C

    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @turboizak Your comment doesn't directly relate to what the other poster was discussing ("the interest rates will rise with inflation."), which I was aiming to discuss with them. But to your points... Look, I get the argument overall argument you're making and I don't have a strong view one...
  2. C

    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @sherylb "the interest rates increase"... what do you think this means? I'm not trolling... unless you are, you're misunderstanding something here. In a couple of years, the rates could be up, down, the same. This isn't related to inflation.
  3. C

    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @sherylb You’re a bit off here… Yes, the principal will ‘go down’ with inflation relatively. But probably better to consider that you’re locking in principal amount against inflation. So other costs will increase but the principle will never increase. Interest rates don’t have anything to do...