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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    @jesusislord16 We cannot afford to live on one person's income. We are both planning on still working
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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    @epicscore It just feels like if she cant do childcare we cant afford to have kids.... we don't have $2k a month just for child care on top of everything else. 🥺
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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    Thanks for all the responses, honestly its sounding like we dont have enough though....I agree we should probably be able to afford daycare if things with my MIL don't work out. Im at a loss as what to do though. Im trying to get a promotion and so is my husband but those aren't garunteed and...
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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    @solomnpromise No, I have to be in the office/field full time. Other ladies at my company have been able to work from home 1 day a week, so hoping to do the same. So I would be home 1 day, my husband is home 2 days, and the other days my MIL would have the baby.
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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    @polcat Currently? Around 8k, not including retirement funds. But I am paying off my car right now, I plan to be done in November. Then from December forward we will start putting $1,500-$2,000 a month into HYSA. Like I said I plan to have around $40k by end of next year. Ideally probably $10k...
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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    Hi All, My huband and I live in Colorado and desperately want to start a family. We have no car payments, no credit card debt, or student loan debt. We make about $150k together and right now have $2300 left over every month after the bills are paid. We wont be paying for child care as my MIL...