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  1. P

    I have 3 pensions with varying amounts and want to combine them into one, looking for advice

    @blucrane It’s a slow process but I did it after moving to my last job, it does make it easier to manage one pension. Unless there’s some benefits to leaving it where it is you may as well try and move them into one. Think of it this way - even though the fees can be a little bit opaque -...
  2. P

    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    @stefan612 That’s the point of them though. The model is literally to have about 70% of people leave atqualification.
  3. P

    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    @stefan612 It’s pretty transparent. Every single person that knows the salary scales up to managers. And you can find us all on the garden and Morgan McKinley salary surveys anyway. Once you want a senior manager, territory and directors, that’s when the salaries and bonuses start to vary
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    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    @5teve Consulting.
  5. P

    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    @theanonymouschristian Left two years ago to join a bank, more a qualify of life thing with a baby. On 150k now - no bonuses but better pension.
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    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    @earlw Starts off low I started in a big four in 2009 on 21,600 😐 Left after qualifying to another big 4 for 50k Left them after nearly 8 years on 100k + bonus So it took about 10 years to get 100 salary. Buy by about year 7 maybe I was on 75k and able to get bonuses of about 25k to get...
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    Big 4 Starting Salary (and Beyond)

    @karrose That’s not strictly true. They were pay cut across the board in around 2009. Bonuses grew steadily when incomes rose. And bonuses fell back during Covid. There is a reasonable correlation between the growth and income of the firms and the bonus and salary.