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  1. S

    If you're going to switch to the new tax regime, does it make sense to stop putting money in PPF, NPS, etc to simplify things?

    @elliot44 Oh didn't know that not all employers offer this, I've only worked for large mnc and have seen the option to contribute to NPS. I can't understand why employer won't give the option, it's not like they have to shell out the contributions from their pocket.
  2. S

    If you're going to switch to the new tax regime, does it make sense to stop putting money in PPF, NPS, etc to simplify things?

    @peterjohn Because you don't have to pay income tax if you send your contributions in NPS upto a limit ?
  3. S

    If you're going to switch to the new tax regime, does it make sense to stop putting money in PPF, NPS, etc to simplify things?

    @lazarus58 These are usually provisioned in your non basic salary.If you don't want NPS you'll get it in your salary after getting taxed. If you want NPS, that part will be sent into your NPS account and not show up in your salary slip because if it's part of salary slip it will be taxed.
  4. S

    If you're going to switch to the new tax regime, does it make sense to stop putting money in PPF, NPS, etc to simplify things?

    @lazarus58 My HR told only the employee contribution can be claimed as tax free in new tax regime