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    How to move wealth between countries?

    @resjudicata I'd suggest asking this on the "US expat tax questions" facebook group. Lots of people will have dealt with this.
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    How to move wealth between countries?

    @resjudicata I think the safe harbor rule is a big help.
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    How to move wealth between countries?

    @resjudicata I'm not an expert by any means... but Google their safe harbor rule.
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    How to move wealth between countries?

    @frhi Just to note keeping open US bank accounts can create issues for breaking tax ties with a few of the stickier states. Check state tax implications before doing this.
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    Most cost effective way to send GBP from a foreign currency account in Turkey to GBP in a bank in the U.K.?

    @thatbaicong We flew through Istanbul and converted gbp to lira no problem using the borderless account. You can open a turkish account... try their customer service.
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    Most cost effective way to send GBP from a foreign currency account in Turkey to GBP in a bank in the U.K.?

    @thatbaicong You can set up an account in Turkish Lira, the bank would recognise that. Then convert it back to GBP
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    Most cost effective way to send GBP from a foreign currency account in Turkey to GBP in a bank in the U.K.?

    @thatbaicong She has GBP at a Turkish bank? If you have a wise borderless account you can upload directly there as an intermediary between Turkey and UK accounts. Their customer support is very good.