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  1. M

    Is your asset really outperforming? The basic return math you should know

    @crixus123 Agree. Rolling returns show performance of lumpsum investments, not of SIPs. This is an important distinction.
  2. M

    Is your asset really outperforming? The basic return math you should know

    @crixus123 Very well illustrated. Thank you! Edit: This is why 1/3/5 year trailing returns are simply meaningless. The industry needs to move beyond this.
  3. M

    Comparing different methods of investing in US Index Funds

    @hamer Useful analysis. You should also add the remittance costs from the international brokerage back to India. Furthermore, beyond the math, it is also a bit more paperwork to file taxes for directly holding foreign stocks/ETFs, especially the dividends earned.