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  1. S

    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    @buzzard €350 on groceries a month for a single person is a lot. You can easily do a great shop for less than €150 a month. So maybe look at where you’re throwing money away when you’re doing groceries. That extra €200 can be thrown into your bank debts then. You can just pay off Bank 2 with...
  2. S

    Whats a good ball park figure to be at for going for a mortgage , how far off am I at the moment

    @gonick No worries. Just trying to come up with a happy medium for you. Just remember, the bank will stress test you when you apply so it’s important to not be so invested in your savings right now and to just get rid of the loan asap. The loan can impact what they will offer you and you don’t...
  3. S

    Whats a good ball park figure to be at for going for a mortgage , how far off am I at the moment

    @gonick Get rid of the car loan asap as you’re losing money there with the interest. And with the way the economy is at the moment, it’s important to have savings, just in case something was to happen out of the blue eg layoffs. I know it may be tough but take some of your savings and put it...