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  1. B

    Whats the best way to invest 10K Euros?

    @abdullahtawhid There is no need to invest over a period of 1 year as long as you are are long term investor. Time in market beats timing the market. So you can invest (ETF) in one go
  2. B

    I am at the verge of ignoring all my financial wisdom and invest in riskier investments

    Every day I am bombarded with news how certain stocks appreciated 100s% in a short time (e.g., Nvidia). And now, friends also started boasting how their investments (real-estate, options, day trading, stock picking, etc) yielding amazing returns. And here I am stuck with my boring ETFs. I am...
  3. B

    Govt bonds with 22% yearly interest rate

    @sonali Given the economic situation of PAK, investing in PKR is not advisable unless in few specific situations. USD/EUR could fluctuate quite significantly (see the chart for the last 5 years) so, if you plan to stay in EU and plan to use the money in EU then its best to keep it in EURO...