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  1. S

    Can someone please explain to me the total lack of personal financial planning and knowledge in this country?

    @samenewme Sorry was under the BusinessTech banner
  2. S

    Can someone please explain to me the total lack of personal financial planning and knowledge in this country?

    @aquiles Business Day recently put out a report that pretty much anyone earning below 25k is not coping right now. Cost of living, especially in Cape Town is extremely high, food alone has tripled in price since a year ago. Now add in medical aid, retirement annuity (you don’t mention you...
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    7 distinctions, need guidance on next steps

    @dreamylala If you’re just wanting to invest your time for future success then you’re engineering degree is the way to go, however, if you have the means take time off to actually figure things out, you’re 19, save the smart decisions for later in life.
  4. S

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @32983 I can’t even justify a R400k car and I earn more than double your dual income, it just feels like a lot to throw into a depreciation asset. If you really hate the car I’m sure you can find a much cheaper one that is still safe and durable enough for a growing family, and then just save...