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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @resjudicata Indexed universal life (IUL) insurance???
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    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @captainfaris The good thing is that you have a good salary and your living expenses are low. Save as much as you can and invest. Do you plan to buy a house?
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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @richardnm Is there a reliable website for this? My income is around $300k so my child would not qualify for financial aid.
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    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @captainfaris 42 years old and only $22,440 in your 401k? You are way behind. Do you have or plan to have kids? It will be difficult to retire in 17 years. Max out your 401k and IRA.
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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @baruch_atah great question. I'll add more info in post.
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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    So next year my child will start med school which will cost about $100k/year. I have about $150k saved up. Do I use that to pay for first year of med school or do I invest it? I was thinking of buying an investment property to generate some cash flow which I could use to pay some of the tuition...