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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @darkersidedjewel I don't know if it shows on your credit report as a denial or just a credit check from a lender.
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @kisame2602 I think a lot of this depends on the "norm" in the state. Like stricter finance clauses like I've had are common in WA. Apparently they aren't over east where it's been hard to get a place for years. I remember finding out that people in Sydney didn't put subject to finance in their...
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @kisame2602 Because it depends on how the clause is written. If finance is denied, the reason is generally completely confidential. It is important to have the clause say finance from a lender of choice of the buyer though. Or you're forced to go with another lender. This is why people like...
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @kisame2602 The lender does provide that, they don't have to give a reason for the lender denying the finance, just that it was denied.
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    "Wiping Out Poverty Now" charity

    @neck Generally even the real charities that are in shopping centres are not worth donating to. The stalls are often manned by a subcontracted company that takes a large cut. If you see a charity and you like the idea, get a flyer and then you can donate direct to them later. I'm a volunteer...
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @fatimaf It was the person at the bank, we didn't have a broker for the first place. Edit: it was also 2015, not sure if things have tightened since then.
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    How much of a premium does a Cash offer deserve?

    @prodigy When we bought our first place the lender told us if for whatever reason we decided we didn't want the house, just call them and they will deny finance so that we get out of it with no penalty. So the subject to finance clause has other risks.
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    Is it starting to not make sense with EV charging costs increasing?

    @staystrongmama We have a house that we bought for under $450k in Perth and now an EV. It's only 18c per kW to charge between 11pm and 6am so when we have to charge at night it's still cheap. We do have solar but if you don't then you can charge between 9am and 3pm for 8c per kW. Switching to...
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    It's ridiculous that some people consider economics a "science"

    @rambles17 My profession falls into hard science and I would still avoid these terms because I think it downgrades the work in the "soft sciences". I use social science and physical science normally.
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    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @karengodsgirlk2 That's exactly what this person was saying though. If you didn't have shelter or food (which you need a job to pay for unless you have a very kind family) then your survival instincts would be wayyy more focused on the fact that you had no food and were stuck in the freezing...