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    @mykell Well that’s bad advice.
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    Life insurance for my 62y/o Father

    @izzywray Your father will need to apply himself but you can assist by locating a company or a broker. It all depends on how much your father is looking to purchase. A small permanent policy for 25-50k would probably cover final expenses, burial, and any debts at the time of his passing. He’ll...
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    Advice needed:

    @columbia1990 You definitely should be looking to carry the bulk of your insurance needs in term. It’s the most cost effective insurance vehicle and it will allow your family to maintain the same standard of living if you die. Whole life is good for final expenses but it’s not cost effect to...
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    International life insurance

    @freethinkerwwjd A lot of insurance companies will not write a policy for you if you’re out of the country for more than 6 months of the year. I don’t have a great answer for you here. International travel is not always looked on favorably especially if spending time in under developed countries.
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    I’m clueless

    @lyfia You will not be able to get coverage until the results of your testing are complete. A company will not insure you if you have outside medical tests or follow ups. Specifically with something as serious as breast cancer
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    Looking for advice for 50 y/o father

    @abigail8290 Unfortunately he will not be able to secure traditional life insurance due to his health. Look for guaranteed issue policies. Small death benefits, generally expensive, and usually need to be in place for a couple years before it will pay out. Start there, and use this as a lesson...
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    Need life insurance, seeking help with the basics

    @resjudicata Bad advice
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    Are these good rates?

    @carnelia I surprised you were actually approved with the dui so recent. Take the life insurance. Fuck accidental death. That’s a waste of money. Get more life coverage if you can spare it.
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    Accidental death payout

    @tabinek Agreed. I mean just threaten legal action.
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    Accidental death payout

    @anonymous108723 Or course. Just keep badgering them. Get the names of the claims examiners that you speak to, keep a list of calls, and just continue to follow up. Like I said, threaten legal action to get this resolved. It may help move the process along.
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    Young and in excellent health. Underwriter pricing came back 3x original quote. What gives?

    @levnishbar Depression history could cause premiums to increase. Would be curious if she was referred for additional treatment during the 2020 psych visit. Would probably need to know more details on the visit too. Any meds advised? Was she hospitalized? Did they ask her to follow up and she...
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    Accidental death payout

    @anonymous108723 I would send it, just ask any and all questions to that claim examiner. Ask for a turn around time, threaten getting a lawyer involved if they do not rule on the payout soon. It’s been far too long. Also, ask what other documents you can provide. Just keep calling every day. It...
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    Term Insurance in Texas

    @brinehawk The Xanax use isn’t a huge deal it’s more of how you’re obtaining it. What’s stopping you from asking your doctor for a prescription instead of obtaining it outside the country? Those are the bits of info I’m interested in as an underwriter
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    Accidental death payout

    @anonymous108723 Have you sent them the report even though it’s incomplete? Even if incomplete, and the cause of death is a motor vehicle accident by way of a hit and run, it should be paid out with that info. When you send the incident report, are you asking if anything else is needed or if...
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    Term Insurance in Texas

    @brinehawk Well I’d wanna know why you’re leaving the country for Xanax, why you’re using Xanax, and the combination of MJ and Xanax use without a prescription is a pretty big red flag.
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    Term Insurance in Texas

    @brinehawk Yeah that’s a tough one. Underwriting would have a few questions on that history.
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    Accidental death payout

    @anonymous108723 They should definitely pay out due to a hit and run. Have you tried calling the carrier? Will they provide you updates
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    Term Insurance in Texas

    @brinehawk Admit the entire history. Edibles 4-5x per year should have no adverse action taken by most carriers.
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    Question on Ex asking to stay on my life insurance policy

    @panchocisco Set up a trust for your child, keep the policy if it's cheap. You never know what the future holds... I would not name your Ex as a bene unless it is court mandated...
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    Globe Life still hasn’t obtained records. Why is it taking so long?

    @kumari5050 Doctor's offices and medical record departments are notoriously slow. Call them directly and advise that the insurance company is requesting records and they need to comply ASAP