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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @kristhuy Thanks!
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mototothemax Hi all, as usual trying to do my furusato at the last possible minute... I have a question regarding dependents. I have three dependents (mother, two siblings). Siblings are 19 and 23 respectively, as of right now. But my brother who is 23 will turn 24 in February next year. Since...
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    NISA and leaving Japan

    @ffidy Timing the market is never a good hobby to take up, but this is the one time I'd be wary of making a comment like this. We're reaching dangerous levels of reverse repo, and various other factors that are pointing towards another '08-esque collapse. Again, not wanting to time anything...
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mototothemax Three questions: I'll be filing a kakuteishinkoku, I assume there's nothing for me to do apart from the 'donation' by the end of year? I.e. I don't need to send anything apart from my kakutei at the end? My salary is a little confusing as I am also reimbursed in stocks (some...
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mototothemax Oh yeah, I'll be doing that anyway. I'm more worried about not getting my gifts haha.
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @rogueebear On rakuten if you search for ふるさと納税 リフト券 you'll get a tonne come up! I got 5 days in Hakuba and 4 days in Nozawa onsen. They also have Niseko so if you ski a lot (and have the budget) you can offset a lot of the costs!
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mototothemax Bought all my stuff. I did this knowing there'll be some complications as I've bought some ski passes which I'm assuming will be sent ASAP. However... I won't be in Japan until January 15th and then likely have a 2 week quarantine. I've sent a message to each of them on Rakuten to...