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  1. E

    2 at fault claims in 5 years

    @bebop516 The other party hasn’t reached out yet so I haven’t filed a claim yet. The damage to their vehicle was minor and I was planning to settle it outside of insurance.
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    2 at fault claims in 5 years

    @michaela71 Thank you
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    2 at fault claims in 5 years

    @ifitry I guess I’m a pessimist and have had nothing but bad news lately 😅
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    2 at fault claims in 5 years

    @ifitry Cool. Looks like I’m pretty screwed here. Thanks.
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    2 at fault claims in 5 years

    @ifitry My renewal isn’t until Jan 2024. How did you guess WA? Will I be forced to get a high risk insurance if I get dropped? Also my previous claim was with a different provider idk if that will prevent the current one from dropping me or it won’t matter.
  6. E

    2 at fault claims in 5 years

    I was involved in a major collision 5 years ago (Nov 2018) where I was T boned while making a left turn. My beater 2007 TL was not insured but I had the legally required liability insurance which covered the damages to the other car which was also a very old Corolla - seemed older than my car...