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  1. E

    Financial Loss

    @dongchau123 Oh my sweet summer child, I get what you're trying to say and yes OP should try her best to recoup, but the average Malaysian can barely save few thousand per year post covid, these are rough times the world over
  2. E

    To those who replied and supported my Youtube channel idea thank you so much!

    @leexyri Thanks sifu =) your dedication helping ordinary Malaysians like me is so encouraging, feeling very proud of this community =) If you need help, there are some other sifus in this sub too. Like @jtra5, @midnitemoon, and some others I can't remember their names
  3. E

    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 Yeah I know why people always say "money can earn back" or "this is a lesson learnt" but that doesn't really help, because obviously you learnt it already. It hurts like hell no matter what. Sometimes you can't sleep because you keep replaying the events in your head on what could've...