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  1. X

    Prepay home loan vs investment

    @jdhenson I prepaid. Now no home loan. Of course I could have saved on taxes. I could have kept the loan n invested in equities and earned big since the last few years have been amazing for the markets. But i feel so much lighter and happier now. The ability to not work for a few months if...
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    Investing notes influencers don't tell you

    Feel free to add yours, here are a few from my end: U don't know how you would react to catastrophe so plan your portfolio and fail safe accordingly. Most of today's influencers were not there the day Bear Stearns died (some were probably not born, and most don't know what I am talking about)...
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    Career switch at 50lpa

    @lazar Investment banking, in the truest sense, you will not be able to crack. It requires a ton of business skills and business school background and even then requires years. Unlike software, you actually need to produce money for the firm to rise up the ranks. But if you mean being in some...
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    Guaranteed 3x return on equity - is this a scam?

    @bart75 Please report this to SEBI immediately. It's a criminal offence to dupe gullible investors like this. At times I have felt investors also deserve to be duped. If you are so despo for financial growth why not work, grow and earn it yourself? Anyway, enough of my rants. This is a crime...