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  1. O

    I just inherited ~£200,000. Help!

    @fengchi Well, there's your retirement, son. Congrats! Invest in low-cost ETFs that follow the market, and feel relaxed about retirement! That said, figure out what your travel costs will be for 3-6 months. Don't splurge. Just plan as if you can't really afford the vacation. Then pull that...
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    How Much Do We Need In Cashflow to Start Our Family?

    @aletheiapraise From the limited info, you seem fine. If you get to $40k, you'll definitely be fine. A couple of things that'll shock you: 1) Hospital bill: You'll get TWO deductibles to pay: yours and the baby's. Neat trick, America. 2) Diapers & formula: These were expensive "way back when"...