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    10k for first time. Apologies I’m new and I’m sure this gets asked a lot.z

    @jamesalexturner1 Where are you getting 2%?
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    10k for first time. Apologies I’m new and I’m sure this gets asked a lot.z

    @daveofthenewcity The first step is to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Don't invest the money. Keep it as your emergency fund. Ideally, your emergency fund should be about 6 months of expenses, so you're most of the way there.
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    How can I save money

    @mobezom Let's start by tracking your current spending. You take home about $3600 a month. Do you know where that $3600 is going?
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    How can I save money

    @mobezom Do you have a comprehensive budget that lists all your expenses? If you can't increase your income right now, it makes the most sense to see if there's any spending you can cut.
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    How can I save money

    @mobezom Single parent of 3? How much are you getting in child support from the other parent or parents? It takes two people to create a baby, and it often takes two people to financially support one.
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    How should I use my extra money?

    @kimmywimmy One way to visualize the debt is to think about it like a video game. The dollar amount of the debt is like the hit points of an enemy character. The APR is how quickly an enemy character can deal damage to you. Oh, and all enemy attacks are vampiric, so they heal themselves...
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    How should I use my extra money?

    @kimmywimmy Each dollar of Avant debt is hurting you more than each dollar of Best Buy debt. You have more debt with Best Buy overall, but when you're paying off debt, each dollar you use to pay off the 36% debt helps you more.