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    Am I making TOO MANY AVCs? - 27 Y with 10% employer, compulsory 6.375% employee, and 8.625% AVC

    @brigid48 Then you are all set for the max tax relief. As the other person mentioned arguably there may be better investments after the compulsory amount. IMO that's not really true with tax relief but it does sort of depend on the pension fee's and luck in your other investments. Some argue...
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    Am I making TOO MANY AVCs? - 27 Y with 10% employer, compulsory 6.375% employee, and 8.625% AVC

    @gez77 Yeah that's my understanding so you just need to ask which you have.
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    Am I making TOO MANY AVCs? - 27 Y with 10% employer, compulsory 6.375% employee, and 8.625% AVC

    @brigid48 Uh, the employer contributions can count towards the 15%. Depending on the type of account. PRSA's for example: So what you want to do is find out what type of...
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    NYU Stern Professor Asawath Damodaran gives his analysis of the current market

    @resjudicata As full time network engineer I can say you are dead on. It's crazy how much hype there is here. Sure I like bandwidth, I even had a shirt "Will work for bandwidth" but 5G isn't some holy grail.
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    Foreign Tax Credit Question - US Citizen and German Resident

    @catholic777 Ah you are just my tax critic, got it. SO IMO I'm not doing evasion as I haven't transitioned my life to Ireland.
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    Foreign Tax Credit Question - US Citizen and German Resident

    @catholic777 When do I have to make that decision? I haven't left yet, though I do maintain all of my US accounts, and have not ties to any family in Ireland. I don't own property here.
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    Foreign Tax Credit Question - US Citizen and German Resident

    @catholic777 Right.. Now define domiciled... LOL you just want to be wrong here. Edit: In my case I qualify as resident but not domiciled. What isn't perfectly clear is does ordinarily resident change this at year 4? I don't think so.
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    Foreign Tax Credit Question - US Citizen and German Resident

    @catholic777 Well just to be clear it isn't true the way you represent Ireland's tax laws about world wide income. There is a distinction between tax domicile. That can impact whether what I describe is tax evasion or not. See this link for some details This may not be true of Germany though as...
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    Foreign Tax Credit Question - US Citizen and German Resident

    @tatenda Not 100% sure on your question... but if you use a US based trading account that income wouldn't automatically be on your German income taxes. It can generate tax requirements. In my case I don't bring that money into Ireland, thus Ireland never taxes it, so yes I pay US taxes on that...