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  1. F

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen Apologies, I got my ticker wrong I see. I meant to post global bond fund which is BNDW and not US ONLY version, BND (needs the W). So when referencing to global, I'm referring to a fund that mimics a global bond index fund that contains multiple countries. BNDW is an example of this is...
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    Satrix MSCI world vs 10x total world TFSA ETF

    @susu Which platform were you taxed as such? W8BEN form should have allowed to deduct only 15%. Instead of Satrix World, you can look at MSCI ACWI which is the closest to 10X Total World apart from missing small caps. These Satrix feeder funds are UCITS funds and are accumulating funds. So...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    1nvest ICE Treasury short Satrix Global Aggregate SA Bond ETF USD EE - BNDW You looking at different things here that you can't compare under the same umbrella. Here, SA is SA (e.g. STXGOV). Global market based is BND or STXGBD 1nvest ICE Treasury short - No, there is other options for short...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen Be careful of hypothetical questions, peoples positions differ. Stop thinking in terms of currency or platform. They both just a way to get to funds for a desired allocation. The funds you mention have different allocations as well (Short, long, country specific etc.) EE is just a...
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    M23 1.1 mil

    @fxk SWDA is not the equivalent. And no, it's only better from an estate tax point of view once you actually reach the break even point. There is dividends tax leakage on foreign investments via US domicile, but needs to be more that non-US, or rather, Irish domiciled fund expenses as well in...
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    M23 1.1 mil

    @danieldior Without knowing much else of your financial position or your definition of long term, assuming 10+ years. USD account into Vanguard Total World (VT). Reduce risk closer to the end of your timeframe in conjunction with your overall financial position. USD due to cheaper fund costs...
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    R 1 Million to Invest for 3 years

    @apostolic1 I think there is too many questions to give a real answer here. Was the property jointly owned or individually? When considering taxes and if its investing a million as one person 500k x 2 for example. How was the proceeds split from the property and who owns what portion? In terms...
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @danmillward Maybe contract work during more peak seasons if that fits into the accounting space? Half day work still feels like daily obligation. I think if one is able to move into consulting and project work sort off and do solid work for shorter durations at a time and longer breaks in...
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @gracer Good stuff. Similar boat sort of although I want be shifting to more contract and project work. So work for 1-3 months. Take a break. Work two weeks here or there. Still a good way away from this but that is one of the options. Other plan is just push on and completely chubby/Fat FIRE -...
  10. F

    What do you see as the current best investment to make in the RSA

    @katzby23 There is no such thing as the best investment. There is however an optimal portfolio (or rather, close to one) out there based on ones holistic financial position. If you want a simple broad answer, capture the market via cheap index funds like MSCI World, MSCI Emerging markets for...
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    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @gracer Awesome stuff. Are you dead set on lean FIRE or are you looking at later stages say 40years old etc? Will post my FIRE progress and targets as well sometime as well to keep the flow.
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    Part 2 - On my journey to Learn more on ETF, Cost, TER, Performance and size.

    @rjozen Good job on shifting the RA and being aware of the impact of fees. Whatever you do, stay out of debt. You in a position where you can buy cash for things, do so. If you need a new car, save up in advance for it and purchase the 2nd hand vehicle cash! Your future self will thank you...
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    ETF/S&P500 Questions

    @labradoriansavedbygrace It depends. If you max your TFSA locally and have more money to invest offshore, and its for the a good stretch (say 15-20 years) - then yes. This is also with the assumption that the dollar will continue to beat the rand over the long stretch, which I believe it will...
  14. F

    ETF/S&P500 Questions

    @wmreschke 1) Tax... If you invest in dollars instead of zar and lets say 10 years from now you sell out, you don't pay CGT on the currency fluctuations (assuming the dollar value increased over rand). If you invest via local (Zar) offshore funds, currency fluctuations are added to to the fund...
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    Part 2 - On my journey to Learn more on ETF, Cost, TER, Performance and size.

    Fund costs can be different since if you for example invest via asset managers like Allan Gray, Sygnia, Coronation etc. They charge less for all their in-house funds vs you investing via their platform in other fund managers funds. There is additional administration cost involved. Lots of this...
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    Part 2 - On my journey to Learn more on ETF, Cost, TER, Performance and size.

    @rjozen Funds should compliment your investment strategy in the correct investment vehicle. Rather start with... What are my short term goals What are my long term goals Do I have debts that I need to get rid of if first Do I have a buffer/emergency savings What are my time horizons and risk...
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    Part 2 - On my journey to Learn more on ETF, Cost, TER, Performance and size.

    @rjozen Good job on digging into things, but be careful of looking at things the wrong way and under the difference between funds, especially allocations. Paying or not paying dividends should not factor your primary decision until it comes to the taxation of things. Funds that don't distribute...
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    Is this a sound / good / bad investment plan?

    @born94 I think you need to get a budget so that your investments and expenses are more structured. Don't focus on guarantee bonus for investments. Base investments of your contractual income as a starting point. Higher equity allocations (diversified for better risk adjusted return) will...