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  1. N

    Funds for Muslim investors

    @encourager2 Curious if any non-US residents have been able to access AMAGX? I use IBKR, but they restrict trading in US mutual funds to US residents.
  2. N

    Is Airbnb halal?

    @beardedyouthpastor I think the data sharing with China may be getting more attention than it warrants. All companies in China must comply with Chinese government policies, or risk getting kicked out. That is to say: Every company operating in China is already complying with the government (and...
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    Is Airbnb halal?

    My stab at surfacing the metrics relevant to making a halal-ness rating on Airbnb, coinciding with their S-1 filing going public this morning-- while we all eagerly await @secretz's more definitive take. (I've actually attempted to use Rakaan's approach in my analysis below) Primary Indicators...
  4. N

    Which shariah standard to follow?

    @highlight Problem is that AAOIFI provide no supporting reference for the 30% figure they quote. Wrote about my misgivings here: