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  1. F

    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    @anonymouswarrior It’s extremely low.. I teach 80hours and this is maximum I can given my visa unfortunately :/ the contract is really exploiting the PhD students in this in-between situation, but that’s a post for another subReddit..
  2. F

    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    @mydogsnameisharry No I’m in the writing up year so unfortunately don’t receive my stipend anymore. This is a teaching contract.
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    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    @jackster This is such a great resource, thanks for pointing it out! !thanks
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    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    @reallyray79 So let me provide the figures then :D the gross salary I’m paid is 18k. With the pension payment it comes to around 1200 per month. This is my only source of income.
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    Is it logical to opt out of my pension?

    Hi, I’m an international PhD student working at a university. I have received my first month’s salary today which I realised was much lower than expected - it’s because they auto-enrolled me into the USS pension scheme. I asked about personal vs employer contributions so apparently I pay 9.8% of...