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  1. C

    Does this ISA strategy make sense?

    @bibledave Fscs applies to bank accounts (or cash in account held via a third party bank deposit), so in short no, this makes zero sense if you’re investing the money as the FSCS protection doesn’t apply to it.
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    "Outside of the Magnificent 7, the rest of the S&P 500 did nothing."

    @abesabre Stock markets always have been and likely always will be driven by extreme outlier tail events, this is covered in “The Psychology of Money” book. Everyone increasing out as if this hasn’t been how things work as long as we have data for.
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    What is the best way to understand and become a great wealth/asset manager?

    @fromsalemwithlove For anyone interested in this, we have two main financial districts in London, The City and Canary Wharf, Westminster also acts as a sort of secondary district for private banking and hedge funds.
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    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @dreamingjoeinjail Annoyingly the five factor model still ignores momentum and low volatility, but subsequent studies accounted for them as well, explaining almost all outsized returns. Momentum is particularly interesting to me, as not only is the risk adjusted outperformance usually large...
  5. C

    ETF Investment portfolio example for EU (based on 5 risk factors)

    @dreamingjoeinjail There’s a longer run backtest for anyone interested, I’ll find it, one sec. Edit: Link