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  1. J

    Inheritance Tax Hypothetical (am I understanding this correctly?)

    @achapman24 The total tax is based upon how much of the estate is subject to Japanese taxation (minus deductions, e.g. for the spouse and for the number of statutory inheritors). The amount, then, that each is taxed is prorated based upon how much of the estate they actually receive (with...
  2. J

    Building a small apartment

    @daphne1 We had similar limits where I recently built, but there were additional limits related to sunlight. I don't recall exactly, but as you built higher, you had to set back from the street line further and further. This was in central Kyoto City, so YMMV.
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    Building a small apartment

    @daphne1 Do you have a proper architect? It's pricey (usually 10% of the estimated construction fee), but for a project like this a good architect can make all the difference. My house was a four-story multi-unit deal, with our needs requiring some very unusual design features. We went through...
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    Building a small apartment

    @ethzz FYI, if they are external hallways open to the elements, they don't count in the total-area calculation.
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    Building a small apartment

    @daphne1 Before you get too far along thinking designs, check on the zoning laws. They may dictate not only the maximum height, but also the shape (with respect to blocking sunlight). Often top floors have to be smaller. Depends on location, of course. A local architect should be able to give...
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    Missing FBARs, amended returns with 8938

    @fabienne I don't recall any statement of tax withheld, nor a line item for that in the transaction history, but if it was there, I'll have to re-file decades' worth of my taxes to claim that 3-yen credit!! 😂
  7. J

    Missing FBARs, amended returns with 8938

    @galapas There is essentially no interest on savings here. I think the most I received was on the order of 13 yen (literally 13 yen) one year when I had a substantial amount in the account.