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  1. M

    Financial advisor performance - benchmarking my time wieghted RoR since May 2019

    @loveisintheairkathryn What fees are you paying? Depending on the risk level you adopted this return ranges from meh to good. Low risk a.k.a. bond heavy would have hurt. Monday morning quarterbacking isn't helpful. You need to reflect on the risks you agreed to take not just the rewards side of...
  2. M

    401K got rolled to a new company, what are good options targeting 20-25 year outlook?

    @streetlight You need to focus on low cost index funds. Once you pick those it is hard to make a bad decision since your saving rate not earnings rate dictates most of the return. FWIW I’d go with a Boglehead style 3 fund portfolio would be US/International/Bond in a 70/20/10 mix. So Blackrock...