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  1. E

    Am i on track?

    @secretsis Try make it 100k once u get there 300k gets easier. Get another source of income to funnel that into the investment stocks/crypto which ever you have strong constitution. If you like to get there fast. Do budgeting monthly cutdown what ever “wants” like eat out/grabfood/etc. spend...
  2. E

    Financial Loss

    @emanuela this elaborates well. in the money can be earned back. my parents too would fall into scams but not to this extent, in general still scams la. we need to find things/ways to cope with this expensive lesson. we need time and a lot reflection. its easier to said than done. I wish you...
  3. E

    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 both of yall are adult, you and your mom have own responsibilities to handle. take it as a lesson. money can earn back. dont take the mistakes she made as your own. move on