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  1. T

    What’s the best thing I could do with ~£1,000 that I don’t need to touch for six months?

    @me123321 For the next 6 months: When it's time to travel: If you're paying hefty interest on the credit cards, it would be a better plan to pay them off...
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    Theoretically, could you use salary sac and pension withdrawal to get around paying back student loan?

    @christianr_ You can't use a pension as an emergency fund. Taking money out of a pension early technically has a 55% penalty to you, but the reality is it's pretty much impossible. There's also a charge payable by whoever let's you access the money, and all of that added together means that...
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @perseverancethroughfaith It's not that bad - with the new rules about transfers, wouldn't you be able to just put the money back in the flexible ISA and immediately transfer it somewhere else?