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  1. E

    Currently owe 50k++ in consumer debt

    @rad I got one at 3. 5k however the limit was 4k. OP salary is 5k and he got 5card for 10k, it's as if the banks don't even do background checks
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    Currently owe 50k++ in consumer debt

    @jay1082 Honest question how did u get 5 card with 10k limit with ur current salary. U better call ur bank for restructuring, paying the minimum payment won't even put a dent toward the intrest charge, assuming u keep this up within a few months u will see ur 50k debt turn into 100k.
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @domascnn It's only passive if u fully own it (fully paid) . In OPs case he basicly got a overleverage loan (cashback) so he now owea the bank 1.5mil after intrest for his 1mil loan. If any thing his networth is - 1.5mil on this unit alone. He mentioned he did this before so I would guess his...
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @bigfranck22 Anyway if u sold of 1unit good for u. But honestly ur 0% down get cashback then tenant pay for u method is how alot of people went bankrupt last year. Alot of people were buying a few units like this, let's just hope u are not 1 of those people.
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @bigfranck22 Dude u have no idea how deep of a hole u are in right now..... No matter what happens today u owe the bank 1.8mil now, unless u can garuantee that ur unit will never drop in price and ur unit will always get 6k rent for 30y straight untill the day u pay it off there is no point in...
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @newbie2016 Either way OP better take the 300k or he will be very screwed, he is around 3.4mil in debt paying off 2 very very very expensive condo with 0% down. If the condo depriciate or stay flat he is going to lose alot of money even if he gets a sucker to pay 6k rent permonth. Worst case he...
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @newbie2016 After reading it again, I would say OP is an idiot. He brought a 900k condo with a 1 mil full loan, his mortgage is 4k+ a month so his bank loan basicly looks like this. Mortgage loan = 1mil at 4.2%with 0% down for 30Y = 4.3-4.4k At the end of his 30year tenure he would have paid...
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @bigfranck22 Look either way 1.3mil is straight away 30% profit. How long u need to rent out to get that number alot alot alot of years.
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    Should I sell my house ? Any thoughts ?

    @bigfranck22 Some sucker is offering u 1.3mil for something u paid 1mil for that is not even built yet. Sell as fast as possible u basicly earned 30% just by doing nothing.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @vlc Tell them u got it from SG then they say takde record boss I need to tax the fck out of it. Sry ya pay up of jail time with rosmah
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @westmedsupply Fourthly, u can show off in the LDHN office being escorted by a few pegawai to a meeting room