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  1. E

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @resjudicata He missed several doors, one he did not even draw into the rt side elevation exterior of garage and the door was laying rt there. About 2 inside doors over 4 lights and 2 new ceiling fans and too much more to list, it was over 50 things of value. May not sound like much to ya’ll...
  2. E

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @supriya thank you now that is the advice I need to know to ask about. I know that can send probably anything I would need of that Xactimate report such as materials list, depreciation percentages, etc. but getting them to send a me anything that might cause them to pay me more is going to be...
  3. E

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @supriya I would post a pic of one page but I don't see an option to on here, I may have described it inaccurately. It shows per line example: Desription, QTY, UNIT PRICE, TAX, O&P, RCV, DEPREC, ACV. Even items that are brand new before the fire he has a 30% depreciation based on the cost ...
  4. E

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @supriya Thank you for your response and explanation. I find it easier not to give the back story to my plight but instead ask specific questions to education myself against things I know nothing about as I wait for my own estimator to come. I am assuming there is no way to know what level he...
  5. E

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    I am inquiring if anyone can share know of how Xactimate estimates are configured internally or besides that any successful things anyone as done to deal with insurance co. adjusters to receive a more favorable outcome. I undertstand the Xactimate price list is based on region, state etc from...