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  1. J

    Copays, Deductibles, OOPs and WTF is Happening Here?

    @jordanmarli It does kind of sound like this is processing wrong, though the summaries I linked specifically say "deductible does not apply". Check in the policy if there's a section there about the deductible and whether you're required to meet the deductible before the plan pays for anything...
  2. J

    Copays, Deductibles, OOPs and WTF is Happening Here?

    @jordanmarli It used to be way more straightforward, but companies have been trying to do everything they can to charge more for less. In general: if you use in network doctors, the discounted rate always applies, so you never pay more than that in any situation. If deductible applies, it is...
  3. J

    Copays, Deductibles, OOPs and WTF is Happening Here?

    @jordanmarli Looking at the EOB: You need to dig up your plan documentation. For instance, this insurance specifically states deductible does not apply to primary care visits but does not say that for specialists. This one says the first two visits you pay the $40 copay, after that it's all...