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  1. C

    Me and my dad are buying a house together and I want to know if it’s a good idea or not

    @rawscot I've seen some for that price in Hull.
  2. C

    Energy cost of devices on standby in my home [Updated inc oct price cap]

    @vvshinedownvv Ours has no clock (it has a display but reading 0:00 that doesn't increment if left alone) so I'm curious as to how much it's drawing - assuming the light isn't on from the door being left open as I know its bulb isn't energy-saving. Will report back. edit: 1 watt. /@basharg - I...
  3. C

    MSE overpayment calculator suggesting it is better to overpay a 3% mortgage than save interest at 4.5%

    @resjudicata As long as you can trust yourself not to spend it.