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  1. E

    How does it work if an Auto Insurance company ads value to your total loss car from recent repairs?

    @realsavior But, how would it be illegal or fraudulent if I do so with the approval of the insurance company? If the scrap yard offers the same amount for the car regardless of the damage, then would it really matter, even as it related to the scrapping?
  2. E

    How does it work if an Auto Insurance company ads value to your total loss car from recent repairs?

    @realsavior I'm not asking about doing these things in secret, but with approval from the insurance company. Aren't they supposed to reimburse you for the value of the car at the time of the accident? I don't think removing a working transmission and shoving a non working transmission in the...
  3. E

    How does it work if an Auto Insurance company ads value to your total loss car from recent repairs?

    @peinopela So, from your perspective, who would I have to get approval from to swap the parts out for it to not be fraud? And in that event, do you think the insurance company would devalue their offer to me based upon the value of the parts even if the scrap yard didn't care?
  4. E

    How does it work if an Auto Insurance company ads value to your total loss car from recent repairs?

    @peinopela I've been told, in general, and by several people, that I can swap parts out on the car before it goes to the scrap yard as long as I replace them with the same parts, as the scrap yard doesn't pay more for "newer" parts, they pay the same no matter what and don't care. Basically I...
  5. E

    How does it work if an Auto Insurance company ads value to your total loss car from recent repairs?

    If I have recently done repairs to a car that is declared a total loss and the insurance company increases their total loss offer for it due to that, can I still keep the car and the higher valuation (minus the scrap value) or do I also lose the added value for the repairs since I'm keeping it...