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  1. C

    18(M) Stressed about future

    @3kidsnadog I'm not sure anyone can tell you that you will enjoy being an electrician over working in business. The business degree will generally provide more flexibility with what you can do post graduation, and office work tends to be less risky. Most people can also do office work for...
  2. C

    Upper Middle Class After Almost Failing College

    @timnx44 I had that convo with my employer and was able to increase the pay of our team. My compensation doubled in 2.5 years, and they have actually been able to retain technical people.
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    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 She wakes up at 5am, my husband makes her breakfast and then they read or play. I wake up at 6 am, and my husband starts working. I play with my daughter, get her ready for school, and we make her lunch. Most days, my husband takes her to school and goes to his office around 8 am. We...
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    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 Childcare is expensive. We pay about 22k for my toddler. If your spouse does not have a high earning potential, the 2nd income might not be worth it. There are other things to take into consideration. If your spouse has little/no earning power, you need to make sure you have a very...
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    Roast the Budget - 34[M] + 35[F] + 1YO

    @billyherman45 You can't open an IRA for your 1yo. They'd need to have earned income. I keep a 529 and a gift account for minors (UGMA). You can roll over some of the money from a 529 into an IRA, but keep in mind there are limitations. The UGMA also must be transferred to the minor when they...