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    Is it ok to reject offer after sign?

    @ant101 ^ agree with this. Instead of signing offer, continue to negotiate. This will "drag" the time enough for you to wait for another offer. If it really does not work out. OP, just email HR politely, and say this is the offer is not what was agreed upon.
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    Quitting My Amazing Job (Am I insane?)

    @lyonap You are not insane, you just dont have the right skill set. You have to have the skill of how to survive at your workplace. The skill of letting go. And many other skills. The 1st few years of your working life, you work hard. Because you lack experience, you learn, you execute etc...
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    Is it legal to let parents use my Credit card for groceries and petrol?

    @chenoodles I have been doing that for many years. I didnt read the bank terms and conditions, i sometimes think it's not legal. Saw some arguments on lowyat forum years back mostly think it is not right because it is for you to use. I do that because i usually have 3 or more credit cards and i...
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    E-Gold vs Physical Gold

    @ruenie88 I dont believe in gold investment nor do i condone gold investment. But just here give some amateur advice. But if you want to invest in physical gold, then 999 gold is the way to go. Buy 999 gold bar / coin whatever you may call it. 916 gold is for jewellery not for investment. I...
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    Rate my Finance + Need Opinion

    @erniedavid Not that i want to know, you should ask yourself this. What's your retirement goal? How much savings do you need? How much you have now? If you tell me your savings now is rm1million, then the response could be different to whether you should be owning your dream car or not. But...
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    Path to FIRE FUND

    @lichtoefur Btw i am totally not familiar with SG rules but since you say you have CPF deduction, can you increase your contribution to CPF? But i do understand the withdrawal for CPF is probably more complicated and stricter than EPF. The thing about putting it into EPF is provided you see...
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    Hitting Rock Bottom

    @dazza_73 Also to add on to this, try to pay of the SCB credit card asap, that one is on the highest interest. The rest of the PL is just pay as you go, give yourself more time to figure out Once you free up the car and 1 credit card, it should feel alot better. Just gotta live through it. But...
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    Would you leave your RM10+k job in KL for a $5.5k job in SG?

    @antiteck It's not opt. I think what he means is the employer EPF contribution. Some people do get higher than minimum. But paling minimum also 12%. Not sure about your employer giving you minimum or above minimum.
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @chretien22 Hi OP, i think it may be more purposeful for yourself to discuss with someone (who hopefully is not an insurance agent because i worry you end up just getting confused about buying another insurance product) about what you want to achieve from your insurance planning. I think you...
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @zainonechia Slight correction: There is option to buy standalone medical plan, so you can avoid IL plans. But i agree with the above IL plan it is not to earn money. To OP, and i have provided many feedback, i think the key thing is you continue with this medical plan but dont hope to make...
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    1000sq aprtment for family of 4

    @fonfukajoe Just like money, you will feel like you always need more space. Like you said that's what those amenities are for.
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @chretien22 A plus med-i is your medical coverage. Your annual limit is 137k Med booster gives you another 1.25mil annual limit. Total annual limit for your medical plans is 1.3mil++ Critical care is critical illness coverage. Major disease such as cancer, stroke, heart diseases etc.
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    I'll make RM2mil from selling my business, how do I achieve financial freedom?

    @blessed2day Hi OP. Well just sharing some thoughts as i am currently in a similar position. So, the difference is we (me and my spouse) got the inheritance already but alot less than yours. Even without it, we have reached good decent amount on our own (but not FIRE) with the 800k house loan...
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    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @thenarrowpath Useful chart. Some edits though. Kdi is 1 business day. If you withdraw on business day before their cutoff, you will get the money end of day, usually check after dinner, i can see my money in. If after cutoff you will get next day (i dunno what time though, cause never tried)
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @blessedbeverly614 Vitality is not an insurance plan. Pay rm10 to aia every month and enjoy the vitality programme.
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @biblequestions Also not a good advice. The OP actually has medical benefit attached. Now most of us wants medical coverage, probably until we die provided we can afford it. Getting a term plan does not solve the problem. There is no penalty in cancelling your policy in 99% of the situation...
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    I'll make RM2mil from selling my business, how do I achieve financial freedom?

    @zionpeter VWRA is the better option for nonUSA ppl like us. Charges are lowet too.
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @sonia5555 Investment linked plans are NOT older. Majority of medical plans are still sold via IL plans now.
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    how much do insurance agents get paid?

    @katarina978 You need to look at things objectively. Obviously property cant be giving 25% commission to property agents. But insurance, how much you spend? 300 a month. So every month agent get commission 25%*300. To get basic salary equal fresh grad, how many they need to sell? Of course...
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    how much do insurance agents get paid?

    @minnie 1st and 2nd year 25% for selling ILP. It's a simple concept. Sales job. More you do, more you earn. You sit in your office, rain or shine, you get the same pay. You exceed expectation...? Othrr ppl get 4%, you get 5% increment. Bonus... other ppl get 1 month, you get 1.25 months...