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  1. L

    Buying a car... that will hold value

    @leo_meshay I bought a Peugeot 407sw. It was a top of the range car. Dropped from 300k to 75k in 5 years. I have driven it now to 348000kms. My way of thinking is to drive a car into the ground. To me the cheapest car is a paid off car. I missed a good deal the other day a Volvo S60, with 64k...
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    Buying a car... that will hold value

    @leo_meshay Well you going to lose value when you drive it out the door. Because it's too new. Buy a decent car for 100k. Next year or will be worth the same. I bought my car 11 years ago for 75k , still worth 75k.
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    I’m 20, what should I be focusing my income on?

    @blair89 My son sold his car I bought him. He was 19. Sold for 30k. He kept the money. Was gone in a month. I told him in front of a friend that it exploded in his pocket. We laughed. But oh boy is he careful with his money now . He is still generous, not selfish. Don't ever be selfish. Good...
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    I’m 20, what should I be focusing my income on?

    @blair89 Herewith my simple thoughts. Good you blew that money when you were young. You will be really careful now. It's better than blowing loads of money when you are old. You need to save if you can 10% of your money every month. 20% if you can. Would be better. Into a 32 day account. If you...
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @saidagha So is your hard earned money
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @pottershands No. I bought the car second hand with 150kms on. Now have done another 200k Kms. Total spent probably 100k over 12 years.. Going to spend another 100k soon doing a whole bunch of stuff. Because... You know. 100k beats 500k on a new car.. I want to dine this car to at least 500k
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @strongarm5791 Then buy a 100k car. My car has 350000kms on. I either pay a couple of grand a month on average for upkeep or 7500 rand a month. I go to a premature mechanic who has looked after the car for 11 years now.
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @32983 Cheapest car to own is a paid up car. Drive the shitbox. It's still cheaper than a new car.