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  1. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @estebandecinn Homestead exemption really helps out. And there are decent houses for 200k here.
  2. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @emmierose80 I have a mortgage, but I refinanced when rates were low and my payment is $456 including taxes and insurance. It's not quite paid off but since I have no other loans it feels great and I feel like I'm solid middle class here. Granted I'm also handy and do house work myself.
  3. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @emmierose80 I think it's darn good for san antonio with no debt. I've been here for nearly a decade and love it.
  4. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @emmierose80 But san antonio metro is better and only 45 minutes away from Austin if you're north
  5. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @andy2014 I'm in a metro area in TX and 66k is definitely middle class I'd your house is paid off and you have no debt. The issue is when people are big consumers and like to have flashy new cars and giant houses.
  6. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @kuriositina With a paid off house and no other debt and a moderate lifestyle it's solid middle class. I think people think middle class is going shopping and eating out everyday. That's upper class.
  7. E

    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @resjudicata With a paid off house and no car loans or any other loans I think it would feel like middle class.